The Bon Appétit Diet with Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen

The Bon Appétit Diet Forum

FORUM : Miscellaneous

Keeping it Clean Challenge!!

by gisaparedes (Quezon City) Posted on 09/14/2012 5:42 pm

It's been such a long time since The BelleToday Team challenged one another and we admit, we kind of miss it! So here's what we've decided to do for next week:

Keeping It Clean

After all the fun, it's now time to clean up! Party after party has forced us to eat the unhealthiest desserts and now the BelleToday team is challenging you to a CLEANSE!

We want you to keep it clean by:

1. Commiting to a detox regimen for 1 day, 3 days or even 1 week.

2. Blogging about it! And we dont just mean once, we want you to record as the days go by.

Here are some of the detox regimens that you can follow:

1. 1 day or 3-day detox – vegetable juices only.

2. 3-day or 5-day detox– no meat diet (beef + pork).

3. Dinner fast for 3 or 5 days – last meal at 6PM.

4. Water only detox – no coffee, no tea, no juice, no alcohol, no sodas.

5. Lemon juice + psyllium fiber + wheat grass – taken before breakfast.

6. No sweets for 5 days

Feel free to join us on this challenge and make sure you take the time to really BLOG about it! We want to know that you're in it with us!

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