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LOSE FASTER with this...

by laarni (Calamba), Team Member Posted on 10/15/2012 1:29 pm

Eat slowly and lose faster!
That’s a GUARANTEE! Eat slowly and you will lose faster.

The process:

It takes about 20 minutes before the part of your brain which regulates hunger receives signals that you are already full. Eating fast will at less than 20 minutes will cause you to consume more than the actual amount of food that will make you full.

How to:
1. Put down your eating utensils in between bites.
2. Use your non-dominant hand when eating.
3. Use chopsticks.
4. Drink water every after bite.
5. Chew your food well.

How about you? Do you tend to eat faster or slower?
Do you often have hurried meals?

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Posted by laarni (Calamba), Team Member
On 11/05/2012 1:48 pm

less than 5 minutes when eating with boyfriend? I agree! That's also the case when I eat with my husband. Men really are used to hurried meals and can chew more than a bite all at once.

Posted by Onlyhis722 (Angeles city)
On 11/04/2012 2:06 pm

I finish my meal in less that 5min especially at work and when eating with my fiance. This takes up 95% of the time, OH NO! @-)

Posted by laarni (Calamba), Team Member
On 10/23/2012 10:46 am

It seems like it is really the trend. We are all trap in our work and most of the time sitting down.
When you eat, request someone to take over your job. C'mon! It's only 20 minutes. 20 minutes for a slimmer you! :)

Posted by juanitajuanita (quezon city)
On 10/23/2012 8:43 am

i work in a tv station and 8 hours of it is infront of 16 monitors :( and i ate infront of those 16 monitors. :(

Posted by missadrianne (Makati City)
On 10/20/2012 3:52 pm

Yeah I do have hurried meals a lot especially if it's a busy day at work. :(

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