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FORUM : Morale and Motivation

New Year's Resolution

by sharonfaith (Imus), In-house Dietitian Posted on 12/26/2013 1:13 pm

Resolution is defined as a firm decision to do or not to do something. As 2013 ends, we welcome yet another year with a heart full of expectation and willingness to start anew. As tradition dictates, we make lists of what we want to change, correct, or achieve for the coming year. This tradition makes us believe that there is always hope and a chance for change. Those items on your list need not be extravagant, because change always starts with small steps of faith.

What do you want to resolve and/or achieve this 2014? Share it with the community today. :)

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Posted by charmaineanne (San Pedro), Community Manager
On 12/27/2013 6:10 pm

Quick tips on Planning out your 2014 the Healthy Way:

1. Make SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time Bound) Health Goals
This is a goal-writing style that will help you take your health goals seriously. Below is a template you can follow:

Long-term goal:
To lose 50 lbs (1-2 lbs every week) in 12 months

Short-term goals:
To lose weight, I will:
• Eat healthy and balanced meals of lean protein, enough whole grains, more vegetables and fruits, and use healthy fats daily
• Limit fastfood
• Exercise regularly for 3 times a week
• Sleep 8 hours daily
• Take time to meditate

2. Track your progress
Make use of the Weight Loss Journal. Writing down your experiences will let you know what milestones you have achieved so far, what needs to be improved, what you may feel at the moment and what can motivate you to continue on your health journey. This helps in making your goals in order and keeping you committed and focused.

3. Do not be perfect. Be Persistent
Accept that occasional pitfalls do happen. Do not be quick to shove a mistake under a rug, but instead, make a careful assessment of the situation, learn from the mistake and move forward.

4. Find a support system
Don't keep it a secret. Find a person or a group of people you can trust to support and inspire you on your journey.

5. Commit to your goals
Be bound by the responsibility to take care of yourself. Never, ever give up.

:) Charmaine

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